Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Liars Dice

Hello everyone, let’s see if I can ramble about this for a little bit longer then last week’s blog. 

This week’s board game was about Liars Dice.  It involved editing the feedback loops to see if we’d be able to make the pretty simple game any more enjoyable.  I believe we succeeded, though dice games in the first place can’t exactly cause crits for me, but I digress.

The rules on Liars dice I won’t both writing out, I’ll just direct you to here and then you can come back and check out what we added.

Back? Okay great! Now let me briefly covered what we considered to be the positive feedback loops in this game.

The triggering action: Player loses a die. This being caused from failing a bluff, or missing a bluff call.
The loop: The player loses a die -> The player’s chances to loose increase. This being that the less die you own, the less accurately you can guess the amount on the table.

The way I thought we could make the stakes more interesting is to simply add more dice to the mix.  This particular addition doesn’t solve anything directly, but I feel that adding more dice to the pot increases the amount of available numbers on the table, making the numbers one could guess far more diverse and interesting.

My rule is more contributing when combined with my teammates rule additions. They’re as followed:

·         Limit the number of players from 2-6 to 2-4 – to allow less competition for the losing player.
·         Add the addition of the “house cup”. This cup has 7 dice that all players can see to add to the guessing pot. (The player must call any value more than what is shown by the house cup. For example: if the house cup is showing 3 twos, 2 threes, 1 four and 1 six, then the player can call 4 twos or 3 threes etc.) – help the losing player to call by providing him 7 additional dice (though, those dice are also seen by the other players!).
·         Finally if a player only has 1 die, he can gain 2 of his dice back if he correctly catch another player’s bluff – this will gradually increase his winning chance.

That’s it! Cheers.


Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Paperboy: The Card Game

Greetings again! Yet another game, yet another amusing experience.  This one was made pretty quickly due to the upcoming milestone AND turkey weekend just passing.  However our quality is still pretty good. 

This blog is going to be extremely short due to the fact I’m about to pass out on turkey overdoes (and my 19th birthday being about 6 days ago –cough-) however I’ll pass over my only issue with the game we made. Not that I’d change it, this is just my opinion of what I found hard to deal with.

Atari games suck.  I’m sorry, I didn’t like any of the games listed on our games we could parody off of for a card game.  T’was silly.  Very very silly. Not much I can influence though, so I’ll just suck it up. I digress.

Below are the rules (very simple short rules)

Each player is dealt 5 cards to start with. Players cannot pick up a card from the deck unless they have nothing in their hand. At this time they can take 5 cards and continue to play.
There are newspaper cards, coloured houses, grey houses, cars, kids on skateboards, and kids on trikes.
Coloured houses need paper on top of them, either in the players hand or set down onto the table.
-          If the coloured house is placed on the table any player with a newspaper can compete for it. This is called a ‘Delivery Competition’,
-          The first one to deliver the paper wins that point, and play skips any players between the player who placed the house and the player who delivered the newspaper.  
Once a player delivers a paper (coloured house + newspaper) they keep the house and paper to keep track of their score.
Grey houses can have anything except newspaper placed on them. If a paper is delivered by mistake, that player keeps that combination as a -1 to their score and there is one less newspaper in the deck.
Skateboarders cause the next player to drop all of the papers they’re holding and they must draw that number of cards from the deck.
Loss of turn cards: These cards are to be kept in front of the player that lost the turn. This is to remind them that they also cannot compete in delivery competitions
Cars cause the next player to lose a turn and discard all of their papers
Tri-cyclists cause the next player to lose a turn.
The goal is to deliver newspapers to all of the coloured houses. The player with the highest delivery rate out of 20 wins. When there are no more papers to deliver, the game ends.

That’s about it! What a fulfilling weekend. 

The cards consist of: 20 houses, 20 newspapers, 15 grey houses, 10 trikers, 10 skateboarders, and 5 cars.

Alex, Sidd, and Jason as co-creators.


Tuesday, 2 October 2012

The Island Adventure

The Island Adventure
A Quick blurb about my experiences making this Collection Game; best board game yet.

Now for the longer blurb! The creation process was interesting this time around.  We say on skype and threw ideas until someone said the same idea constant enough for them to win. It works, considering this was the funniest one for me to make this time around.  I was in charge of cards and card combos, and frankly I could have added a plethora if it wasn’t time to move on.  Maybe one day I’ll come back and print out a deck of this for a games night.

My only concern is its lack of collection.  I mean, it technically has collection aspects to it, and it meets all the required material. 

Anywho here are the rules, game map, cards with there deck amounts, and combos.

The Island Adventure

Each player chooses their role as a pirates or an island native.
·         2 Players: 1 pirate, 1 Native
·         3 Players: 2 pirates, 1 Native
·         4 Players: 2Pirates, 2 Natives
 Players travel around the board via dice rolls. When the player lands on a “Draw Card” space they take a card from the deck to collect that item.
Players are only allowed a maximum of 5 items in their hand at a time. If a player has 5 items and must draw another. They may discard an item in their hand for the new one, or draw and discard the new item.
If players land on the same space they must fan their cards out to their opponent (keeping the face of the card hidden) and both players simultaneously draw 1 random card from the opponent’s hand.
At the end of 20 turns the players tally up their score based on the value of their items (values depend on their role as a pirate or a native).

The value system:
Items                                    Pirate Value       Native Value     Deck Amount
Native Knitting Set                          0                              4                              5
Coconut                                               1                              5                              4
Banana                                                 3                              7                              3
Watermelon                                      5                              9                              5
Pineapple                                            7                              10                           2
Dragon Fruit                                       8                              13                           1
Pirate Scope                                       4                              0                              5
Ivory Carving                                      5                              1                              4
Treasure Map                                    7                              3                              3
Gold Coin                                            9                              5                              5
Gold Chest                                          10                           7                              2
Diamond                                              13                           8                              1
Sand                                     0                              0                              7
Sailor's Skeleton                               1                              1                              6
Water                                                   2                              2                              6
Fire                                                        3                              3                              6
Cloth                                    4                              4                              4
Rusty old pistol                                 5                              5                              4
Gun powder                                      6                              6                              4
Rum                                       7                              7                              3
                                                                100                         100                         80
The other way to increase the points in your hand is to collect combinations of cards for a large increase in points.
The Combo System:
Combos                                                                                                                               Value
5 fruit - "Eating Good Tonight"                                                                                   x1.5 hand score
4 fruit, 1 Dragon Fruit - "Eating Good Tomorrow"                                               x2.0 hand score
2 Watermelon, 2 Pineapple, 1 Dragon Fruit - "Eating Good All Week"       x3.0 hand score
2 Banana, 2 Pineapple, 1 Dragon Fruit - "Eating Like A King"                          x5.0 hand score
5 treasure - "Good Haul"                                                                                              x1.5 hand score
4 treasure, 1 Diamond - "Excellent Haul"                                                               x2.0 hand score
2 Gold Coins, 2 Gold chests, 1 Diamond - "Amazing Haul"                               x3.0 hand score
2 Treasure Map, 2 Gold Chest, 1 Diamond - "Perfect Haul"                            x5.0 Hand score
4 Coconuts 1 banana - "Suggestive Eating"                                                           40
4 Ivory Carving 1 treasure map - "Promise of Fortune"                                    40
5 Watermelons - "Melon Party!"                                                                               50
5 Gold Coin - "Rolling in Gold!"                                                                                   50
4 Gold Coin, 1 Gold Chest - "Money, and a place to put it"                             60
Gun Powder, coconut, fire - "Explosive Nuts"                                                     Combo counts as 15
Fire, Cloth, Rum - "Molotov"                                                                                       Combo counts as 20
 Sailor's Skeleton, Gold Chest - "Dead Man’s Gold"                                           +5 to hand
Gun Powder, coconut, cloth, rum, fire - "Island Demo-kit"                            30
5 Sand - "I like sand"                                                                                                       26
Rusty old pistol, Sand, Fire, Water, Gun powder - "Fixed Pistol"                                 30
5 Native Knitting Set - "Staying Warm"                                                                   100 if Native
5 Pirate Watch glass - "A Way Home"                                                                      100 if Pirate
Dragon Fruit, Diamond, 3 Rum - "Lucky Mans find"                                           120

Players can have combos within their hand (such as the “Molotov” which will count as 20 points), following that, the player adds the value of the last 2 items in their hand to get the total value.
In some cases players can have multiple combos. For example you are a pirate with a “Molotov” and “Dead Man’s Gold”, in this case the Molotov counts as 20 points, the Sailor’s skeleton is 1 point, the Gold Coin is 9 points, and the “Dead Man’s Gold” adds 5. Your total would be 35 points.
Thanks for your time!
Team members included:
Alexander G.
Siddharth P.
And Jason M
